I’m putting pen to paper today to convey how much of a boost in confidence my beard transplant has given me and hopefully it will inspire others who are in two minds to do the same.
Nature decided to give me the minimum of facial hair and some might think that this is a blessing as it means less shaving but I found the lack of facial hair was almost a type of stigma within male circles and it somehow questioned a man’s masculinity. I also encountered quite a few other men who had the same opinion as myself. I remember on occasion when my friends would be discussing shaving or growing beards etc it always made me feel uncomfortable due to my own situation and I would make excuses to leave the room. Some people might think that I am either vain or mad to have had such a procedure done, but it bothered me greatly and after researching it I made the decision to go ahead with it.
Now being able to grow side burns or a beard is such a great feeling. Beforehand, growing facial hair with the exception of moustache and chin area albeit slight was out of the question. I have found the whole experience has helped me emotionally and socially. The confidence that I have gained is indescribable. I believe that that unless a person has a hair loss problem, or in my case a lack of facial hair, it is difficult for others to fully understand this point of view on the matter.
So my advice to anyone considering a procedure is to do what you feel is right for you, because it is the individual that will either suffer on in silence or boost their self-confidence with their new look.
Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Shahmalak and his fantastic and caring team for all they have done for me.