Coping with Hair Loss
Explore our resources on coping with hair loss
Hair loss can be very difficult to deal with during any stage of life. Crown Clinic offers advice and information on how to cope.
What is Trichotillomania?
Trichotillomania is a mental health condition where sufferers feel the urge to pull out their…
How to Deal with a Receding Hairline
Although two-thirds of men will be affected by male pattern baldness in their lifetime, it…
Mental Health and Hair Loss
It’s not uncommon that mental health is a significant side effect of hair loss. It…
Why is Prince Harry’s hair loss accelerating so quickly?
Dr Asim Shamahlak, consultant hair transplant surgeon at Crown Clinic, is one of the UK’s…
Why Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?
You have heard the saying ‘pulling your hair out’ to describe intense periods of stress,…
Diet trends that could accelerate your hair loss
Recent research has suggested that certain diet trends could accelerate your hair loss. Therefore, if…
Coping mechanisms to help you deal with your hair loss
Noticing the first signs of hair loss can instil a lot of mixed emotions within…
Exploring the link between stress and hair loss
Hair loss due to stress is one of the biggest causes of both men and…
How to Manage the Emotional Effect of Hair Loss
Hair loss, whether it’s a little or a lot, can be a difficult and often…
How to Choose a Hair Loss Clinic
When putting your trust and well-being in the hands of any clinic or surgeon, you…