About Crown Clinic
Our philosophy is to provide the best possible hair treatment and solution that suits your features and makes you feel amazing. Dr. Shahmalak and the team behind our leading British hair clinic take pride in maintaining the professional quality of service at its excellence.

Our Surgeon
Leading Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Asim Shahmalak. All of our surgeries are performed in our state-of-the-art clinics by world famous, highly recommended and accredited hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Asim Shahmalak.
He is the only UK hair transplant surgeon recommended by Tatler Cosmetic surgery guide 2015. Dr. Shahmalak provides various types of hair loss treatments in our Manchester and London clinics.
Crown Clinic
We are one of a few clinics in the UK to offer eyelash transplants. This is helpful for patients who have suffered scarring as a result of road traffic or industrial accidents.
We also treat many patients who have permanently damaged their eyelashes after suffering from Trichotillomania – the compulsive plucking of eyebrows, eyelashes and other body hair.
We also specialise in eyebrow restoration – treating women who have permanent damage to their brows or simply because they want a fuller brow.
We aim to restore the natural symmetry of the patient’s face.
Research & Charity
At Crown Clinic we use all the latest hair restoration technologies. Dr Shahmalak has been an honorary teacher and examiner at the University of Liverpool.
He is proud to be assisting scientists in vital new research for stem cell hair transplants in the UK, which will benefit future generations. Dr Shahmalak is involved in an ongoing hair follicle research programme in collaboration with Professor Ralf Paus and his team at the University of Manchester.
Professor Paus’ team are doing pioneering work into hair follicle biology – specifically looking at what influences hair growth and the role of epithelial stem cell populations.
The team is investigating the biology and pathology of the hair follicle as a microcosmic miniorgan in which many of the fundamental problems of biology can be studied in an exemplary fashion. Current research includes investigations into the neuroendocrine properties of the human hair follicle, their impact on mitochondrial function and hair follicle immune status, and the use of adult stem cells populations associated with human skin appendages for regenerative medicine purposes.
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