A hair transplant gone wrong is something easily preventable with adequate research, but it is a problem we are seeing more and more of as time goes on. Every year we carry out numerous hair transplant repairs from unscrupulous and unlicensed hair transplant clinics that take advantage of patients.
As one of the leading hair transplant specialists in the UK and a member of BAHRS, Crown Clinic is dedicated to the Fight the Fight campaign and assisting patients in making the right choices. We want to help those looking for hair loss solutions avoid receiving a botched hair transplant.
What are BAHRS and ISHRS?
The BAHRS (British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery) is a non-profit association of professionals practising in Britain. Members include those with an interest in hair restoration, including hair transplant surgery, hair research, hair loss and education.
The British Association of Hair Restoration is a member of the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery). The ISHRS was founded to create unity between societies involved with hair restoration internationally.
What is the Fight the Fight campaign? Avoiding a hair transplant gone wrong
The ISHRS launched the Fight the Fight awareness campaign to tackle fraudulent and illicit hair transplant surgery. It was put together following a growing risk of unlicensed technicians performing significant aspects of surgeries globally, leading to a rise in failed hair transplants.
Especially in certain parts of the world, technicians are known to perform aspects of the surgery that only a licensed physician should. This increases the chances of misdiagnosis and often leads to unnecessary or ill-advised hair transplant surgery.
The campaign aims to help educate the public on the dangers of failed hair transplants from unlicensed clinics, and how to avoid receiving a hair transplant gone wrong.
How patients can help prevent a hair transplant gone wrong
There are a number of actions patients can take to avoid a botched hair transplant. There are many more risks when choosing a hair transplant abroad, as you will be less informed about local practices and there may be a language barrier. Issues still occur in the UK, and the below tips should be utilised where possible in the UK and abroad when researching and going ahead with your hair transplant.
- The clinic should be listing all surgeons on their website with a bio and credentials
- The surgeon should be present at your consultation. They should be deciding which is the best treatment for you (FUE or FUT), as well as assessing graft amount and hairline design
- You should be checking whether your clinic is registered with the CQC or an equivalent regulatory body
- Surgeons should be performing the surgery. Some clinics may have technicians perform aspects of the surgery that they are not qualified to do. Ensure only the surgeon:
- Performs medical history and examination
- Rules out hair diseases
- Marks out the recipient area
- Excises grafts from the donor area
- Makes incisions in the recipient areas
- Places grafts with sharp implanters
More information can be found by watching this live stream or exploring the Fight the Fight resources.
Get a hair transplant with complete confidence
If you’re looking for a hair transplant and want complete confidence, don’t hesitate to get in touch and book a hair transplant consultation at Crown Clinic with our surgeon, Dr. Asim Shahmalak.
We specialise in a number of hair loss solutions including FUT and FUE hair transplants as well as SMP. We always put patient welfare as number one priority and are proud members of the BAHRS.
If you don’t want to take the risk with an unscrupulous hair transplant clinic in the UK or abroad, we can assist. Contact our friendly team to find out more.