Do hair transplants take better during the warmer months?

During the summer, it’s not uncommon to see a spike in people flocking to sunnier climates in countries such as Turkey, to undergo hair transplants. As a result, there is a slight misconception that the warm weather will aid the healing process. The truth is, there’s no such thing as a ‘best’ time to get a hair transplant. 

The aftercare of a hair transplant is almost as important to the success of the transplant as the surgery itself, which is why patients must follow the advice given by their surgeon. Proper aftercare will yield the best results, no matter which time of year you opt for surgery. 


Having a hair transplant in summer 


For some, undergoing a hair transplant in summer is a preferable option as it can be a good opportunity to take some time off work. Patients are recommended to take a few days to rest after their surgery, which may be more enjoyable in the summer months. 

However, as much as you may want to sunbathe, you must limit direct sun exposure following your transplant, which can slow the healing time. When heading outside in the full sun, wear a loose hat to protect your scalp from harmful UV rays. 

Some people worry that sweating can affect the results of a hair transplant. Although you will need to take it easy in the first few days after surgery, sweating can be expected in hot weather even if you’re not exerting yourself. Sweating shouldn’t cause any significant problems, but extra care should be taken to make sure you clean the area thoroughly to minimise the risk of infections. Similarly, although it may be tempting to go for a dip in the sea or a swimming pool, this should be avoided until the scalp has healed. 


Having a hair transplant in winter 


During the colder months, most of us sweat less, which means it will generally be easier to keep your scalp clean. In terms of lifestyle, many of us find that we are slightly more sedentary during the winter and are more likely to stay inside, which will make the healing process smoother. 

Despite this, ultimately, the weather has far less of an impact on the success of your hair transplant than how well you follow the aftercare advice. Extra care must be taken in the weeks after surgery to not only minimise the risk of infection but to avoid scarring and even potentially disrupting future hair growth. Although the recovery process may require some temporary adjustments to your lifestyle, it will be worth it in the long run. 

At Crown Clinic, we offer all hair transplant patients a comprehensive guide after their surgery, giving a day-by-day breakdown of what to expect and how to look after your new grafts – plus, the team are always happy to answer any queries you might have after your surgery.