How to Manage the Emotional Effect of Hair Loss

Hair loss, whether it’s a little or a lot, can be a difficult and often emotional experience to go through.

For both men and women, loss of hair can impact self-esteem and self-confidence, no matter what the cause. That’s why it’s important to manage the emotional effects of hair loss, to rebuild morale, confidence and overall happiness.

If you or a loved one is struggling to deal with the psychological effects of hair loss, read on to discover ways that you can cope and get back on the right emotional track.



Mindfulness is the practice of paying more attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. This is usually conducted via meditation, however, mindfulness techniques can be practiced anywhere and can be combined with other activities such as yoga.

According to new research, mindfulness skills may help to enhance self-esteem. This can help hair-loss sufferers by changing their thought processes and preventing them from being consumed by self-critical thoughts.

To learn more about mindfulness techniques, visit



Results from a study into the effects of music on emotions have found that even sad music can bring listeners pleasure and comfort.

This can help people deal with the emotional effects of hair loss by helping to lift the mood when feeling particularly low-spirited. Whilst this is not a long-term solution, listening to music, whatever the genre, can help to provide a short-term boost when needed.



If the emotional issues persist, therapy may be a more suitable solution for hair loss sufferers. Psychotherapists use a range of techniques to help their clients address their issues internally.

Therapy can provide a long-term solution for depression and self-esteem issues associated with hair loss, by changing faulty thought processes and helping to find a more positive outlook on life.

Visit the NHS page on psychotherapy to learn more about the techniques used and its benefits.


Rethink your Diet

If you’re in a cycle of consuming processed, unhealthy foods, this could be part of the reason you’re feeling low.

Too much caffeine, lack of water and consumption of trans-fats can all contribute to your low mood. As such, it’s important to evaluate your diet, so you don’t worsen the emotional effects sometimes experienced with hair loss.

For example, foods like fish contain Omega-3 which can have an effect on the levels of brain chemicals linked with mood, dopamine, and serotonin. Low serotonin has been linked with depression, therefore eating foods that boost serotonin levels are thought to help combat these emotions.


Alternative Solutions

If you’ve exhausted every avenue and are struggling to cope with the emotional effects of losing your hair; a more permanent solution may be required.

Here at Manchester’s leading hair loss clinic, Crown Clinic, we can provide permanent hair loss solutions that could benefit you and improve your self-confidence.

Visit our case studies to see how our hair transplants have transformed the lives of our patients. Alternatively, visit our transplants page to find out more about our services.