Is hair loss reversible?

Experiencing hair loss can be an extremely stressful and upsetting time for both men and women. With over 55% of women and 85% of men likely to experience some form of hair loss throughout their lives, it’s a common problem most of us will face at some point.

While it can be extremely distressing, it is worth bearing in mind that there are many reasons we may experience losing our hair, with many reasons only causing temporary hair loss. In many instances, once the root issue of hair loss has been addressed, the hair will start to grow back naturally, and in cases where the hair loss is permanent, the option of an FUE or FUT hair transplant is available for those who are eligible.

Here we discuss the different kinds of hair loss someone might experience and whether or not these are typically reversible.

Types of hair loss


Genetic hair loss refers to the hereditary condition passed down by family members that leads to the natural loss of hair later in life. The age at which a person will begin losing their hair or whether they will lose their hair differs for everyone, but in men, genetics accounts for 79% of all hair loss. Although genetic hair loss is mainly associated with male pattern baldness, female genetic hair loss also affects a large proportion of women throughout their lives.

While there are some medications out there that claim to aid with genetic hair loss, although some can slow the process down, there is no way to significantly regenerate hair lost this way. Despite this, many people who suffer genetic hair loss can still explore the option of a hair transplant to regain confidence in their appearance.


Those experiencing non-genetic hair loss are more likely to be able to regrow their hair naturally than those losing their hair due to genetics. Non-genetic hair loss refers to outside factors causing hair loss, such as lack of sleep, stress, poor nutrition or certain medical conditions. While losing your hair due to these factors can be equally upsetting, especially if it occurs during an already difficult period, when the root cause is rectified, hair will usually start to grow back naturally. 

Tips to prevent hair loss

Healthy diet and lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the best ways to prevent hair loss from starting in the first place. While genetic causes of hair loss are naturally occurring, and will happen regardless, some types of hair loss can be avoided with healthy living. Getting the right amount of sleep and eating well is one way to keep your body healthy and promote natural and healthy hair growth.

Check medication

Many types of medication list hair loss as a potential side effect. It is always worth checking this and consulting with your doctor if you do experience hair loss after starting a treatment. There may be an alternative medication available for you.

Be careful with beauty products

Minding how you use your beauty products may stop unnecessary hair loss, especially regarding eyelash loss when using mascara and other eye makeup products. These products can often cause irritation and cause hair to fall out. This can also be the case with shampoos and conditioners, with certain products having been recalled due to unwanted hair loss, so it is always worth noting if a certain product does not agree with you.

Treating non-reversible hair loss with Crown Clinic

Although it might seem like there are no options if you are diagnosed with a non-reversible form of hair loss, there is always the option to enquire about getting a hair transplant. Contact Crown Clinic to book a consultation with one of our experts to see whether or not you are eligible for a procedure, or take a look at our case studies to see for yourself what we have done for our satisfied customers.


Is non-genetic hair loss reversible?

There are a variety of non-genetic disorders that can result in hair loss. Many of which do not lead to permanent hair loss, with hair often naturally growing back once the root issue has been solved.

Is hair loss from anorexia reversible?

Hair loss that is caused by anorexia is usually temporary and caused by a loss of nutrients to the scalp. When someone suffering from anorexia begins to eat more, nutrients should then return to normal levels, and hair is likely to regrow as normal.

Is hair loss from hypothyroidism reversible?

Hair can usually grow back naturally following the treatment of the thyroid disorder. 

Is thyroid hair loss reversible?

The hair loss brought on by thyroid disorders can usually be reversed and is more often than not temporary. 

Is iron deficiency hair loss reversible?

Usually, when hair is lost due to an iron deficiency, once the root issue of the deficiency is rectified, the hair will naturally begin to grow back on its own.

Is hair loss from lack of sleep reversible?

Hair loss from lack of sleep can usually be reversed, with hair growing back once normal sleeping habits have resumed. Hair loss due to lack of sleep is sometimes associated with stress, meaning this can also be a factor affecting hair loss. 

Is acitretin hair loss reversible?

Although taking acitretin is sometimes associated with hair loss, these side effects are not usually overly serious, and hair loss is usually minimal, growing back after treatment has finished.

Is beta blocker hair loss reversible?

Some beta blockers cause hair loss as a side effect. Propranolol, a widely used beta blocker, is one such medication that has been known to cause hair loss, but this is usually not permanent and for most people hair grows back after the medication has stopped being taken.

Is hair loss from prednisone reversible?

Prednisone is another medication that, once stopped, usually allows hair to grow back naturally.

Is hair loss from vitamin D deficiency reversible?

Someone suffering from hair loss brought on by vitamin D deficiency will usually see their hair grow back once vitamin D levels are back to normal.

Is PCOS hair loss reversible?

Although hair loss due to PCOS will not grow back naturally, there are some treatments said to stimulate hair growth, and a hair transplant is an option for some people.

Is genetic hair loss reversible?

Genetic hair loss cannot be reversed, although some medications may be able to stop or slow the loss. A hair transplant is one option that can get hair back in the place of the original hairline for those experiencing genetic hair loss.