Types Of Hair Loss & How To Spot Them

For everyone, some hair loss on a daily basis is a very normal and natural thing – and not something to get concerned over.  Most of us will shed an average of 75-100 hairs per day as part of the normal and natural hair growth cycle that tends to take place.

That said, when you start losing more hair than this, it can be cause for concern as this, in time, could result in balding taking place either all over or in certain patches.

There are different types of hair loss to be aware of however and each type will require a different form of treatment should you seek it. Treatments can include medications, hair transplant surgery, and even certain grooming techniques. It all depends on the severity of the person’s hair loss and how much this affects them. We’ve delved into the different types of hair loss you may experience.

Androgenic Alopecia

The first type of hair loss is Androgenic Alopecia, which is going to impact both men and women fairly equally and is often referred to as male pattern baldness when it occurs in men.

This occurs due to the thinning or loss of hair from the crown of the head or the hairline shrinking from the temples upward.

Alopecia Areata

Next, Alopecia Areata is hair loss that’s generated when the immune system of your body begins to target hair follicles and disturbs their natural growth and formation cycle.

This hair loss disorder is often linked to other autoimmune disorders such as ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as lupus and thyroid disease.


Ophiasis is a type of hair loss that occurs when a wave-like shape surrounding the head starts to form, showing hair loss from this region.

Traction Alopecia

The hair loss that occurs here results from damage to the hair follicle itself and the papilla caused by continuous pulling or tension over a long period of time.

Those who are often wearing their hair in braids or hair elastics are most likely to experience this form of hair loss.

Chignon Alopecia

In this case hair loss is going to take place around the crown of the head and occurs most frequently when someone is always wearing their hair in a tight bundle for a longer time.

Ballet dancers are the ones to experience this most commonly.


This is a condition whereby the person has a less than normal amount of hair on the body due to not having enough hair growth. This can be caused by genetics or can be the result of another disease.

Telogen Effluvium

With Telogen Effluvium, hair loss occurs when the hair follicles are pushed prematurely in the growth’s resting stage by illness or stress and thus don’t ever mature and develop as they should.


In trichotillomania, the individual is compulsively pulling on their hair, which then leads to ongoing hair loss.

Trichorrhexis Nodosa

In this condition, the hair fibre is defected and is shown to be swelling and fraying at the nodes. Often there is a lack of a cuticle layer present.

These are the main types of hair loss that can be experienced.  As there are so many varieties out there, it is important to identify which you may be suffering and from there, you can decide whether certain treatments or hair restoration and hair transplant procedures would be best for you.