FAQs On Hair Loss

Worried about hair loss? There’s so much misinformation out there that it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about hair loss and what you need to know to clear things up.


What causes hair loss to occur?
There are many different factors that can lead to hair loss, so it’s difficult to pinpoint it on just one thing. From stress to diet to prescription medication, many lifestyle factors can have an impact on our hair. Making small changes to your lifestyle, such as a healthy diet and learning stress management techniques, can positively affect your hairline.

Genetics and hereditary factors can often lead to accelerated hair loss in certain cases, as can certain medical conditions, so you should speak to your GP if you have any concerns.


How much hair loss is normal?
Everyone will lose some hair on a day-to-day basis, as it’s a natural part of the hair growth cycle – but how can you tell when hair loss starts to get more excessive?

There are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if you’re losing more hair than you should. Do you find that you notice a much higher amount of hair on your pillow or in your brush when you use it? Do you shower and blow dry only to find large amounts of hair coming out?
If you’re starting to see more of your scalp than you previously could, this could point to excessive hair loss or hair thinning. You can quite easily get your hairline checked out by a professional who will be able to give you a clear answer if this is the case.


Are shampoos and lotions effective for combating hair loss?
People often wonder whether the shampoos and conditioners they see lining the shelves are really that effective for helping to promote hair retention. The truth is that no hair products you can buy off the shelves can stop your hair from shedding, although there are shampoos and conditioners packed with vitamins and minerals that can help to nourish your hair. Healthy, strong hair is less prone to breakage.

Will food supplements help hair loss?
In many cases, supplements can help with our overall health as many of us have some deficiencies within our diet, but keep in mind that often just using food supplements won’t be enough. If you’re very low in a particular nutrient, such as iron, that will definitely have a marked effect on hair loss, so it all depends on your deficiency level and whether this is the primary cause of hair loss in the first place.

So, there you have a few of the most commonly asked questions about hair loss. If you spot these signs early, then there is a greater chance that you can slow down the loss and preserve your hair. In some instances, however, hair transplants are available for those who find that certain hair loss products have no effect.