At what age do you have your best hair?

As we have explained in previous blogs, our hair transplant surgeon Asim Shahmalak is often asked interesting questions about people’s hair.

One that comes up regularly is: at what age does your hair look its best?

We thought it would be fun to find out and did some fresh polling for Crown Clinic.

The findings were interesting: women are happiest with their hair at 32, but for men, the optimum age is 39.

You can read more about the survey in this excellent piece in the Daily Express:

Our hair transplant surgeon Asim Shahmalak explained in the piece that men take seven years longer to come up with a style they are happy with because of the problems of hair loss.

By the age of 39, around 40% of men are suffering from male pattern baldness to some degree.

As Dr Shahmalak explained, men deal with this in different ways.

Some shave their heads to cover up their baldness – as Jude Law has done in the past.

Some change the way they style their hair – look how different our Chancellor George Osborne looks with his hair brushed forward.

Why does he do this? In the words of his own joke, to cover up the effects of his ‘recession.’

Obviously, the most effective way to combat hair loss is a hair transplant.

It’s why we have seen a 25% increase in bookings at Crown Clinic in the last two years as more men – particularly those under 30 – seek cosmetic treatments to combat their hair loss.

Lots of celebrities do this to prolong their careers in the limelight.