Does an FUE Hair Transplant Last Forever?

The biggest question we get asked is whether an FUE hair transplant lasts forever, likewise with our other hair restoration treatments such as FUT.

In a nutshell, yes, an FUE hair transplant can last a lifetime.

The key thing to remember with hair transplants, whether that’s an FUE or FUT, is the donor hair follicles preserve their characteristics, enabling healthy growth. An experienced, reputable, and certified hair surgeon must perform the procedure, as this can affect hair growth, how long the transplant will last, as well as a list of other issues you may encounter. With the right physician, you can enjoy natural hair growth that will last a lifetime.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplants are a procedure that requires dedicated care and precision, and an experienced surgeon. While this hair restoration procedure is designed to last, it does depend on the individual, so the results can vary. The same applies to all medical and surgical procedures; it’s how well your body can adapt. However, here at Crown Clinic, we have exceptional and proven results from our clients.


How Long Will It Take for Me To See Results?


This is another common question our patients ask, and usually, you can begin seeing results after eight-twelve months following the procedure.

Again, it does vary from person to person, and while eight-twelve months seems a long time, it’s not. As they’re natural hairs, the follicles need time to settle in and attach to the cells around them so they can start the regrowth. Once achieved, you will begin to see a difference. Ten months compared to a lifetime of the hair is nothing, and the months will soon pass.

You may experience minor shredding of hair within the first days following an FUE hair transplant, but please don’t be alarmed as this is perfectly normal. The transplanted hair follicles’ roots will remain in place, ready for regrowth.


FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

If you’re unfamiliar with FUE hair transplants, the physician will remove hair follicles from the sides or back of your scalp, and transfer them to the balding area. The reason for taking the donor hair from these sections of the scalp is that they are DHT resistant.

The medical term for DHT is Dihydrotesterone. It’s a natural hormone produced by the human body and is often the leading cause of hair loss. Your body also produces a group of hormones called androgens and sometimes referred to as ‘male hormones’ due to their traits, but they are present in men and women. So, removing hair follicles from the back and side of your scalp prevents the androgen hormones from acting and causing hair loss, due to them being DHT resistant.

As FUE uses your natural hair, your hair will begin to regrow as usual, and the final results will speak for themselves.


So, to answer the question again – does an FUE hair transplant last forever, yes, it does.

For more information about FUE hair transplants, contact Crown Clinic today and book a consultation appointment with Dr Shahmalak.